Queensland Fruit Fly
Queensland Fruit Fly (QFF) not only damages your backyard crops, it poses a serious threat to our local horticulture industry. Our region is known as the ‘food bowl of Australia', producing a range of fruit and vegetables. Infestation of QFF, if left uncontrolled, can destroy crops and therefore producer’s livelihoods and in turn have a detrimental effect on our entire community.
QFF control starts in your backyard! Nothing beats the taste and convenience of home grown right from your own garden however it is important that we garden responsibly. Fruit Fly can attack a wide range of host plants including apples, apricots, capsicums, grapes, lemons, oranges, pears, strawberries, tomatoes and many more. Activity is not strictly seasonal however it is most prevalent at this time of year and during the warmer months when there is an abundance of fruit and vegetables on plants.
To avoid an outbreak, you should monitor your host plants by setting fruit fly traps. You can make traps yourself or for your convenience they can be purchased ready-made. Trained Billabong Garden Complex staff can assist with fruit fly identification, information and to select products to manage and control the spread of QFF.
Free information packs are also available for collection at Billabong that can assist with identification, provide a list of produce that is most prone to an outbreak and include a recipe to make. Alternatively, please follow the links below to download more information.
Fruit Fly Prevention - Calendar Of_Backyard_Jobs
Fruit Fly Prevention - A Community Effort
Fruit Fly Prevention - Vegetable Gardens
Fruit Fly Prevention - Destroy Unwanted Fruit and Vegetables
Free Urban Fruit Tree Removal Form
Rogue Fruit Tree Register Form
For more information please visit the Goulburn Murray Valley Regional Fruit Fly website.